Consider two propositions. 1. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. 2. You can’t go home again. The announcement of a spring awakening at Lincoln Center would seem to confirm both. For the time being, the shutters that bar us from the flagship venues remain. On the other hand, beginning on World Health Day, 10 outdoor performance and rehearsal spaces come alive, celebrating (we are told) “the full spectrum of New York City’s artistic talent” in “a welcoming home for all of the city’s residents and neighbors to enjoy.” Arts organizations from across the five boroughs are participating alongside the center’s resident institutions—and that’s not all. Pop-up blood drives, food banks, and primary election-polling will be part of the mix as well. O, brave new world! Details sketchy as we go to press. —M.G.
The Arts Intel Report
Restart Stages

Apr 7 – Sept 1, 2021
Ceylan A. Sahin Eker, “Restart Stages,” Hearst Plaza © Ceylan A. Sahin Eker.
American Museum of Natural History