As seen through the eyes of Indiana Jones, the universe is a place laden with mystery, enigma, and impending apocalyptic disaster—an adventure that never ends. Would we want it any other way? Fifteen years after the saga’s fourth film, Harrison Ford returns once more, now 80. He’s accompanied by new elements, such as director James Mangold, and old ones: Nazi antagonists. The blockbuster cost nearly $300 million to produce—a far cry from the $20-million budget for Raiders of the Lost Ark—so along with the performances of Ford, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, and Antonio Banderas, expect thrilling visuals. Dollar signs aside, an elder Indy on the big screen should be nothing short of priceless. —Jack Sullivan
The Arts Intel Report
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.