You can skip the Harry & Meghan series on Netflix, because the British reviews are a lot more entertaining. “I’ve watched more interesting in-flight maps,” is how Hilary Rose of The Times of London, put it. She also summed up the series as “three hours of beautifully lit navel-gazing motivated by spite, revenge and greed.” The Daily Mail critic said it was “riddled with contradictions, inconsistencies and apparent falsehoods,” including Meghan’s lament that she had to wear muted colors like cream and beige to avoid competing with senior royals. The critic indignantly cited events at which Prince Harry’s wife wore turquoise, yellow, red, purple, and apricot. The gotcha commentary was to be expected, given how much Harry and Meghan rant about the bias and corruption of the British media. And The Daily Mail, it should be noted, lost a lawsuit brought by Meghan in January. The Spectator focused on the stunning fatuity of the self-exiled couple. “In one glorious snippet, Harry—that embodiment of English aristocracy—bemoans how ‘there’s a hierarchy of the family.’ In the royals? Who knew!” —Alessandra Stanley
The Arts Intel Report
Harry & Meghan

A still from the series.