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The Arts Intel Report

Conspiracy, She Wrote

Conspiracy, She Wrote is hosted by journalist Cristen Conger.

From the viral #WhereIsKate hoopla over the Duchess’s unexplained absence from the public last winter, to a right-wing contingent accusing Taylor Swift and the Democrats of rigging the Super Bowl, the year 2024 has already had its fair share of outlandish conspiracy theories. Hosted by journalist Cristen Conger, a new podcast explores the often overlooked role of women in conspiracy mythmaking. Conspiracy, She Wrote discusses everything from Beyoncé’s supposed membership in the illuminati society to “conspirituality,” a term for the female-led conspiracy genre where “wellness and woo woo get extra delulu” (examples include the tradwife trend and anti-vax moms). The podcast also features a diverse array of conspiracy experts, from a QAnon correspondent to an illuminati historian. —Paulina Prosnitz

Photo courtesy of Unladylike Media