If artistic brilliance was written in the stars for anyone, it was Maro Gorky, born in 1943. Before she could even read she was tutored in art by André Breton, Roberto Matta, and her father, Arshile Gorky. “You have to develop your own alphabet of beauty,” she has said, and her landscape paintings do just that. To celebrate her 80th birthday, London’s Long & Ryle presents a breathtaking survey of Gorky’s decorated career—oils, watercolors, and paper works. She infuses the most mundane of settings—a field, a hill, an olive grove—with a childlike vibrance that is dreamlike and joyful, touched with the simple and the sacred. —Lucy Horowitz
The Arts Intel Report
A Life Painting

Maro Gorky, Saskia on a Rocking Horse, 1983.
Apr 19 – May 12, 2023