Parker Posey’s iteration of a New York It Girl in Daisy von Scherler Mayer’s 1995 indie darling, Party Girl, delivers on all fronts: which is to say her character, Mary, is stylish, sexy, and can read. To the Instagram It Girls of today, Mary is a sort of mother: she ramps up the selling price of her vintage Gaultier at the secondhand store (how else would she make rent?), organizes her D.J. roommate’s record collection according to the Dewey decimal system, and romances the handsome street vendor during her lunch hour (falafel with hot sauce, a side of baba ghanoush, and a seltzer, please). You can catch Party Girl on the big screen at the Roxy Cinema through July 8 or at home on Amazon Prime. A movie for patrons of Studio 54 and Studio 151 alike. —Ryan Benson
The Arts Intel Report
Party Girl

Parker Posey in Party Girl.