“I have seen the wonder of a drop of dew glistening from a dangling needle, a shower of rock hailing down in a raging thunder,” said the 7th-century master Sun Guoting of Chinese calligraphy. Using nature metaphors to describe the visual impact of characters, Guoting’s words highlight China’s tradition of interweaving the organic world and the written word. This exhibition—which opens alongside the Huntington’s newly completed Chinese Garden—highlights that relationship. Carved into the garden’s stones, or mounted on placards, sprouting and vining across the space, calligraphy from 21 contemporary ink artists celebrates the mutually nourishing relationship between botany and literature. —C.J.F.
The Arts Intel Report
A Garden of Words: The Calligraphy of Liu Fang Yuan

May 8 – Aug 23, 2021
Fu Shen 傅申, “Court of Assembled Worthies 集賢院,” 2018. The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens.
California African American Museum