Look #25 Sweet Treats
Sleep DropsLoving these pills (with five milligrams THC, five milligrams CBD, and two milligrams CBN) means never having to feel guilty about brushing afterward. It’s like swallowing a Tylenol. And zero sugar.
Glowing Skin GummiesWith three grams of added sugar apiece, these gummies—containing hyaluronic acid, collagen, and sea buckthorn—pack an acceptably sweet punch but will keep you far from a sugar high.
Midnight Blueberry Sleep GummiesA dead ringer for Olly’s berry flavor, one of these chewables (with five milligrams THC and one milligram CBN) takes me to dreamland within the hour (the usual time it takes for a cannabis gummy to kick in).
Sleep Melatonin GummiesThe tried-and-true natural hormone in a gummy form, with only a gram of sugar, for those occasions when your circadian rhythm could use a re-alignment.
Vitamin D3Bone and immune support delivered in a form free of high-fructose corn syrup.
Oral B
IO2 Series 9 Rechargeable ToothbrushOutfitted with an emoji-esque computerized face, this smiles with approval when you brush long enough. Should you shirk the full two minutes, its sad face guilts you into extending your stay.
Water FlosserWhen the toothbrush isn’t enough, this mini yet focused stream loosens gummy residue.
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