“Usually when I’m making a movie, what I have in mind first, for the visuals, is how we can stage the scenes to bring them more to life in the most interesting way, and then how we can make a world for the story that the audience hasn’t quite been in before.” That’s the American director Wes Anderson talking about his movie-making process. And don’t we all sort of wish we could dive into the colorful, symmetrical, and whimsical worlds of Anderson’s filmography? Well, now we can. La Cinémathèque française, a place Anderson has visited and loves, is presenting a comprehensive exhibition and film retrospective—from Bottle Rocket to Asteroid City—through July 27. The exhibition showcases objects, original sketches, and behind-the-scenes secrets of Anderson’s meticulously crafted work. With a different movie showing every weekend, it’s a must-see for fans of his visionary storytelling and unique designs. —Carolina de Armas
The Arts Intel Report
Wes Anderson at Cinémathèque

Wes Anderson with his Isle of Dogs stop-motion film figurines.
Until July 27
Photo: © Cinémathèque