The spiritual brotherhood that called itself the Nabis—Arabic for “prophets”—was founded in the late 19th century by the French artist Paul Sérusier. The group was influenced by the Symbolist movement and the exotic works of Paul Gauguin, and included such rising stars as Édouard Vuillard, Maurice Denis, Félix Vallotton, and the young Pierre Bonnard. In fact, the four formed a close friendship. But aside from the brotherhood, the emergence of the group marked an important moment in the history of painting—a shift from Impressionism into the realm of modern art. The Hahnlower/Jaeggli Collection, which has spent the last five years in Bern, returns to Villa Flora in Winterthur next fall. This farewell exhibition focuses on the collection’s Nabis. —Elena Clavarino
The Arts Intel Report
Vivre en Notres Temps: Bonnard, Vallotton, and the Nabis
Félix Vallotton, Femme Nue Couchée Dormant, 1913.
May 13 – Oct 16, 2022
Photo: Dauerleihgabe an die Hahnloser/Jaeggli Stiftung/Villa Flora, Winterthur