Set in 1964, Sue Monk Kidd’s novel The Secret Life of Bees is about Lily, a 14-year-old girl who is haunted by her mother’s murder. When Rosaleen, a Black woman who stands in for her mother, calls out a trio of racists in their South Carolina neighborhood, they must flee. In a neighboring town, the two are taken in by three Black sisters who work as beekeepers. In 2008, the novel was adapted for the screen. Nine years later, Lynn Nottage teamed up with the musician Duncan Sheik and lyricist Susan Birkenhead to shape the tale for the stage. Whitney White directs a brand new production for the Almeida. —Jensen Davis
The Arts Intel Report
The Secret Life of Bees
The cast of The Secret Life of Bees in rehearsal.
Apr 8 – May 27, 2023
Photo: Ian Hippolyte