Just as silence can have more power than sound, stillness can be far more forceful than action. Onstage, a frozen tableau is mysteriously magnetic. In painting, a still life may contain deep emotion. And sculpture is forever in dialogue with the movement around it. To investigate the notion of stillness as a visual and performative tool, this exhibition presents 100 works by 60 artists, alongside 15 live performances. All test the tension between stillness and motion, and how such dynamics reverberate in art. —E.C.
The Arts Intel Report
A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler
For the World Traveler
A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler
The Paradox of Stillness: Art, Object, and Performance
May 15 – Aug 8, 2021
Fortunato Depero, “I Miei Balli Plastici (My Plastic Dances),” 1918. Private Collection.
Guthrie Theater