“The killer’s knife, a woman cowering before it.” That’s Erik Piepenburg, in The New York Times, describing VHS covers for most horror movies until the year 1991, when Dawn Baillie was tasked with creating the poster art for Silence of the Lambs. Taking an entirely novel approach, she gave us Jodie Foster’s face—but colorless, with strangely red eyes, and a sphinx moth covering her mouth. The image is still haunting. This is just one example of Baillie’s arresting work. During a career that began in advertising, in the 1980s, and led to four decades designing movie posters, Baillie has created the art for Dirty Dancing (1987), The Truman Show (1998), Little Miss Sunshine (2006), and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019), among many other films. An exhibition at Poster House surveys the scope of Baillie’s oeuvre. —Jack Sullivan
The Arts Intel Report
The Anatomy of a Movie Poster: The Work of Dawn Baillie

Dawn Baillie’s poster art for Silence of the Lambs (1991).
Mar 14 – Sept 8, 2024
Poster House
New York
Closing Soon
Gallery exhibition
The 1990s
Women artists
Photo courtesy of Poster House
American Museum of Natural History