Though the pandemic affected almost every aspect of life as we know it, one particular side effect was completely unanticipated. You guessed it—the skyrocketing price of plywood. As stores and restaurants shuttered their doors, stockpiles of plywood board rapidly depleted. At the peak of the outbreak, one single board went for as high as $90. With the world reopening, and in an effort to repurpose the plywood, Worthless Studios collected 200 boards and distributed them (along with small stipends) to five artists chosen by jury. The sculptures that are made with the plywood will become public art displayed across the five boroughs of New York City, on view until November 1, 2021. —E.C.
The Arts Intel Report
Plywood Protection Project

May 15 – Nov 1, 2021
Courtesy of Worthless Studios.
American Museum of Natural History