In a discipline of infinite give-and-take, like that of the German art song, it can be reassuring to stick with partners who are tried and true. For the singer, that often means cultivating specialized accompanists—or, as many call them today, “collaborative pianists.” The great German baritone Matthias Goerne prefers the unpredictable thrills of matchups with headliners in their own right who long to explore this inexhaustible repertory but can rarely make the time. Carnegie Hall audiences entranced by Goerne’s recitals with the likes of Alfred Brendel, Daniil Trifonov, and Christoph Eschenbach may now look forward to his program with Evgeny Kissin, centered on prime Schumann (Dichterliebe) and Brahms (selected songs, plus the album Lieder und Gesänge,which translates, unhelpfully, as Songs and Chants). Expect pure gold. Out-of-town previews in Cleveland and Toronto. —Matthew Gurewitsch
The Arts Intel Report
Matthias Goerne, baritone, Evgeny Kissin, piano

Matthias Goerne performing at Carnegie Hall, in 2018.
April 25, 2024
Photo: Richard Termine
American Museum of Natural History