“It is extraordinary to see the sea; what a spectacle!,” Claude Monet once remarked. “She is so unfettered that one wonders whether it is possible that she again become calm.” Cyrille Sciama, the director of Giverny’s Musée des Impressionismes, has used Monet’s love of open water as a springboard for the exhibition “Impressionism and the Sea.” And what more perfect subject for those painters who aimed to catch nature’s play with our perceptions? Shoreline colors reflected on saltwater surfaces. Mist and spray dissolving the blue horizon line. Featuring works by Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, Maufra, Auburtin, Jongkind, Signac, Courbet, Manet, Guillaumin, and Gauguin, the exhibition celebrates the 150th anniversary of Impressionism. —Isabella Carter