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The Arts Intel Report

Heidi Bucher Metamorphoses II

Heidi Bucher skinning Herrenzimmer, 1978.

Aug 4 – Dec 4, 2022
Surpunt 78, 7542 Susch, Switzerland

The Swiss artist Heidi Bucher, born in 1926, moved to Los Angeles in the early 1970s and there started work on her “Bodyshells.” The “Bodyshells” were large body sculptures—wearable work!—composed of latex and domed over the wearer like a mutant costume. The concept was fairly simple. Bucher was fusing fashion, design, sculpture, and fine art into one expression. And she didn’t stop there. A few years later, Bucher started her “Skinning” process, in which she applied latex to the walls of spaces both public and private, and then unpeeled it, presumably pulling the place’s essence into the peel. It’s a “process of metamorphosis,” she explained. Bucher died in 1993, but her experimental and conceptual work is up-to-the-minute. —Elena Clavarino

Photo: Hans Peter Siffert/the Estate of Heidi Bucher