“Picturing things, taking a view, is what makes us human,” Gerhard Richter once said, “art is making sense and giving shape to that sense. It is like the religious search for God.” In a career of over 50 years, Richter has never stopped searching. This exhibition highlights “editioned prints”—Richter’s own photographs, or images found elsewhere, that he has overpainted, layered, or rescreened so that they make different sense than before. “The artist is interested in memorable imagery, both found and invented,” says Gagosian director Robin Vousden, “and in the complex and subtle languages we use to present such imagery to the world. Everything is a manipulation, everything is a revision.” —E.C.
The Arts Intel Report
Gerhard Richter: Prints

Nov 8 – Dec 21, 2019
Gerhard Richter, “Betty,”1991© Gerhard Richter 2019 (07102019). Photo: Rob McKeever. Courtesy Gagosian.
American Museum of Natural History