For the moment, the American dramatic soprano Christine Goerke has something of a lock on the killer roles for her voice type, at least in the major American companies. We’re talking about the Valkyrie Brünnhilde, who defies the orders of Wotan, the top god, in Wagner’s “Ring.” We’re talking about the Dyer’s Wife, prepared to forgo motherhood in Richard Strauss’s Die Frau ohne Schatten. And we’re definitely talking Elektra, the princess who lives to avenge her father Agamemnon. But honestly, the performance that has us on tenterhooks this time around is Katarina Dalayman’s as Elektra’s mother, one of Agamemnon’s murderers, plagued by nightmares. Dramatically, Klytämnestra’s role is the most opalescent; musically, it’s the most chromatic and prophetic. Dalayman, in her time an Elektra of rare sensitivity, seems just the artist to reopen our eyes and ears to the queen’s troubled mind. —Matthew Gurewitsch
The Arts Intel Report
Elektra, by Richard Strauss
Oct 29 – Nov 12, 2022