Metal scaffolding and sidewalk sheds are all too familiar in New York City, where construction and facade work is constant from block to block. This year, a 69-story office tower—Two Manhattan West—has warranted a monumental construction shed that reaches from Moynihan Station to 10th Avenue, but instead of the usual planks, dust, and darkness, voila, Citrovia! It’s a 30,000-square-foot installation that brings lemony light to the block. Cuttlefish, Inc.’s founder, Evan Sjchechtman, and Midnight Theatre’s creative director, Warren Adcock, commissioned 700 handcrafted lemons, 3,800 steel-and-foam painted leaves, and trees 18 feet high to create a surreal lemon grove where people can meet and sit. It’s playful. It’s bizarre. It’s undeniably New York. —E.C.