At 35, Robert Icke (rhymes with “like”) has catapulted to the front ranks of British theater directors, covering the waterfront from Aeschylus to Anne Washburn’s mind-boggling Mr. Burns by way of Schiller and 1984. So through-composed are his adaptations of the classics that the scripts are published as independent works in their own right. Such is the case with his Almeida Theatre productions of Oresteia (2015) and Hamlet (2017), which are being revived in rotating repertory this summer at the Park Avenue Amory. Icke has likened his approach to designing a converter plug for an electrical appliance: “You are in a country where your hairdryer won’t work when you plug it straight in. You have to find the adaptor which will let the electricity of now flow into the old thing and make it function.” We’d like to pretend that the double-header of London hits adds up to a crash course in Ickian dramaturgy, but in all honesty, the man is so prolific that it’s more like the tip of the iceberg. —Matthew Gurewitsch
The Arts Intel Report
William Shakespeare's Hamlet

Alex Lawther as Hamlet in Hamlet.
June 1 – Aug 13, 2022
Photo: Miles Aldridge
American Museum of Natural History