When Disney’s The Little Mermaid premiered in 1989, the studio didn’t respond to speculation that Ursula—a villainous sea witch with gaudy blue eyeshadow—bore a distinct resemblance to the drag queen Divine, muse to John Waters. Disney eventually acknowledged the connection, and now we have Unfortunate, a musical parody of the princess story that delves into The Little Mermaid’s queer undercurrent. Created by Robyn Grand and Daniel Foxx, and running almost three hours, the show reveals Ursula’s own backstory. A hit at Edinburgh’s Festival Fringe, Unfortunate is now running in London. The RuPaul star Shawna Hamic plays Ursula. —Jensen Davis
The Arts Intel Report
The cast of Unfortunate.
Dec 8, 2023 – Feb 17, 2024
Photo: Pamela Raith