“Time present and time past / Are both perhaps present in time future …” So begins “Burnt Norton,” the first of the four poems that make up T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets. During the pandemic, we’ve all had time to think about time, though perhaps not in the magisterial meter of Eliot’s masterpiece. Enter movement and music. The Fisher Center is streaming Four Quartets, a dance choreographed by Pam Tanowitz and filmed in 2018, the year of its premiere. The images are by Brice Marden, the score is by Kaija Saariaho, and Eliot’s words are read by the actress Kathleen Chalfant. Also on offer is an all-access special event, the premiere of There the Dance Is, a new work by Tanowitz that was filmed remotely over the summer. It is accompanied by conversations, a toast with the company, and more. That title, you may recall, also comes from “Burnt Norton.” —L.J.
The Arts Intel Report
The Four Quartets Experience
Oct 30 – Nov 1, 2020
Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts, Manor Ave, Annandale-On-Hudson, NY 12504, USA