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The Arts Intel Report

Robert Wilson: Chairs, 1969–2011

Robert Wilson, Parzival Sofa, 1987.

Dec 7, 2022 – Jan 14, 2023
87 Grand St, Brooklyn, NY 11249, United States

Robert Wilson oeuvre is surprisingly wide-ranging. He’s best known as the eminent director of theatrical collaborations like Einstein at the Beach. But over a long career he’s also experimented with life-size video works about animals, artists, and celebrities. In 1976, Wilson had his first show at Paula Cooper gallery, where one critic praised his work as “serial art, equivalent to the slow-motion tempo of [his] theatrical style.” In 1969, furniture design became part of Wilson’s practice, a skill born of necessity: envisioning specific props for the stage, he created them himself. This survey of Wilson’s experiments with chairs includes his steel-mesh Parzival Sofa (1987) and the Clementine Hunter Rocker (2011), made of painted wood. —Elena Clavarino

Photo courtesy of MDFG