As is his custom, Sir Simon Rattle launches a new season with a celebration of British music—past, present, and future. Representing the past: Frank Bridge’s joyous Enter Spring and Edward Elgar’s epic Symphony No. 2, both replete with nature imagery. Representing the present and the future: Daniel Kidane’s Sun Poem, co-commissioned by the LSO and here receiving its London premiere. Now in his mid-30s, Kidane is the son of a Russian mother and Eritrean father; in 2019, the blowout closing night of the Proms opened with a piece of his called “Woke.” His style has been described as “propulsive” and “eclectic,” saturated with “influences of jungle, dubstep and R&B sampled from a trawl through the city after dark.” Henry Purcell, move over. —Matthew Gurewitsch
The Arts Intel Report
Rebirth, Innovation, Grandeur
Sir Simon Rattle at Barbican Hall.
September 11, 2022
Barbican Centre For Arts & Conferences, Silk Street, Barbican, London EC2Y 8DS, United Kingdom
Photo: © Mark Allen