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The Arts Intel Report

Pictures in Pictures

Howardena Pindell, Autobiography: Past & Present II, 2005–2007.

May 5 – July 17, 2022
2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, PA 19130, United States

In the work Artist Painting, from 1879, Jean-François Raffaëlli painted a man who was busy working on his own canvas, a painting of another man sitting in a field. The practice of making paintings that depict other works of art began before Raffaëlli’s time. In Jan Brueghel the Younger’s Allegory of Sight, dated to 1660, stacks of paintings are vividly arrayed, little windows of vision as beguiling as the painting itself. This exhibition examines the genre of the “picture within the picture.” Contemporary examples by artists such as Graciela Iturbide and Howardena Pindell are on display with masterpieces from the past. —Elena Clavarino

Photo courtesy of the Philadelphia Museum of Art