Duncan Macmillan’s hit play from 2015 returns, reuniting the director Jeremy Herrin and the actress Denise Gough. Gough won an Olivier award for her first performance as Emma, a struggling actress who loses control of her life—even though she claims she’s having a great time. We follow her into rehab, group therapy, and the 12-Step Program, watching her tell her story, break down, lie, go through withdrawal, and break down again. “Macmillan seems to be saying that not only is there no escape for an addict from the people, places and things that cause their addiction,” writes The Guardian’s chief critic, Arifa Akbar, “but that their only refuge takes them back to the original source of their pain.” —Jeanne Malle
The Arts Intel Report
People, Places & Things
May 15 – Aug 10, 2024