The year 1965, when the multimedia artist Park Chan-kyong was born, saw South Korea in turmoil. In the aftermath of the Korean War, President Park Chung Hee held the country in an iron fist and was using his power to transform the war-torn countryside into militarized industrial areas. As a young art critic in the 1990s, Chan-kyong coined the phrase “colonial unheimlich,” a reference to Korea’s collective amnesia regarding those postwar decades. His installations, which combine fragments of videos and photographs from forgotten times—images of a child soldier, or farmers, or folkish characters—pull those repressed memories to the surface. This is Chan-kyong’s first solo show in the U.S. —Elena Clavarino
The Arts Intel Report
Park Chan-kyong: Gathering

A still from Park Chan-kyong’s 2019 film Belated Bosal.
Oct 7, 2023 – Oct 13, 2024
Photo: © Park Chan-kyong/National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea