Directed by Bassam Tariq, Mogul Mowgli tells the story of a British-Pakistani rapper (played by Riz Ahmed) who is nearing stardom when he is crippled by a degenerative disease. If this sounds similar to Sound of Metal, the American drama of a rocker losing his hearing, which got Ahmed nominated for a Best Actor Oscar, it’s because it is. This time, though, the story hits closer to home. Ahmed, who co-wrote Mogul Mowgli with first-time director Tariq, is also a British-Pakistani rapper. The film, which includes actual home videos of Ahmed as a child, captures the harsh realities and subtle nuances of being an immigrant in England and a Muslim in the world. —J.V.
The Arts Intel Report
A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler
For the World Traveler
A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler
Mogul Mowgli
In theaters starting September 3
Riz Ahmed in a still from “Mogul Mowgli.” Photo courtesy of Strand Releasing.