In his 20s, the artist Mike Kelley went through a lot of wild phases. In 1974, he became a member of the proto-punk band Destroy All Monsters, after which he spent time in various other bands. He created handmade sculptures with stuffed animals, a way of commenting on the effects of consumer culture on children. As Kelley’s practice evolved; the sculptures became large installations. In 2005, at Gagosian, he presented the acclaimed Day Is Done, a feature-length musical with 32 different video chapters, all of them getting under the skin of pop culture. The retrospective “Ghost and Spirit,” which starts in Paris and travels to London, Dusseldorf, and Stockholm, brings together important works by a radical artist who won’t be categorized. As Kelley wrote back in the 1980s, ghosts disappear, spirits endure. —Elena Clavarino
The Arts Intel Report
Mike Kelley: Ghost and Spirit
Mike Kelley, Kandors Full Set, 2005–2009.
Oct 13, 2023 – Feb 19, 2024
Photo: Fredrik Nilsen/courtesy of West of Rome Inc. and the Pinault Collection/© Mike Kelley Foundation for the Arts/Adagp, Paris, 2023