Beginning in the 13th and 14th centuries, the proliferation of intercontinental trade, urbanization, and banking across Europe prompted an era known as the “Commercial Revolution.” The Morgan examines the cultural impact of this transformation in “Medieval Money, Merchants, and Morality,” an exhibition of 69 artifacts, among them, a rare coin collection, a Renaissance purse, and an ornately decorated money chest. The show’s highlight is the Hours of Catherine of Cleves, a 15th-century Dutch prayer book considered to be the greatest illuminated manuscript in the world. Positioning these artifacts in the context of capitalism’s birth, the exhibition reflects on the intertwining of wealth, religion, and culture. —Paulina Prosnitz
The Arts Intel Report
Medieval Money, Merchants, and Morality

A register of creditors of a Bolognese lending society, circa 1390–1400.
Nov 10, 2023 – Mar 10, 2024
Photo: Janny Chiu
American Museum of Natural History