Following the example of the late cornetist and composer Lawrence “Butch” Morris, who was his mentor, the percussionist Tyshawn Sorey leads the youthful virtuosi of the Lucerne Festival Contemporary Orchestra in the collective improvisation Autoschediasms. As first among equals, Sorey cues his forces with hand signals, a baton, and, we are told, “spontaneously notated playing instructions.” (Spontaneously notated when? On the spot?) Recipe for a trainwreck or revelation? Be there or be square. —Matthew Gurewitsch
The Arts Intel Report
Lucerne Festival Contemporary Orchestra: Tyshawn Sorey

Tyshawn Sorey
August 28, 2022
Concert Hall Konzert - KKL Luzern, Europapl. 1, 6005 Luzern, Switzerland
Photo: ©