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The Arts Intel Report

Le Petit Mish-Mash

December 3, 2019
7/9 Rue des Petites Écuries, 75010 Paris, France

On uptempo tunes, this tsimmes of klezmer and Romani ingredients—French flautist and clarinetist Marine Goldwaser, Romanian accordionist Adrian Iordan, and Moldovan cymbalom player Mihai Trestian—evokes that moment in a Jewish (or, I assume, Gypsy) wedding when jackets fly off, ties are loosened, and Zayde is coaxed to sit down before his heart, full to bursting, actually bursts. Part of a two-day, rather laxly defined “Festival Jazz’N’Klezmer” that includes Les Yeux Noirs successors Josef Josef and Iranian-Israeli songstress Liraz. —E.E.