Tous les matins du monde (1991) was one of those sit-up-straight art films that occasionally take the world by storm. Set in the France of Louis XIV, it starred Gérard Depardieu and his son Guillaume sharing the role of Marin Marais, master of the viola da gamba, the obsolete string instrument that is fretted like a guitar but held between the knees and played with a bow. The film made a superstar of Jordi Savall, the Spanish gambist heard on the soundtrack. Over decades, Savall’s obsessively researched thematic programs have brought to life hidden histories of Joan of Arc, slavery, Don Quixote, the city of Jerusalem … His current U.S. tour, devoted to baroque glories from his native Spain, touches an especially personal chord. —M.G.
The Arts Intel Report
Jordi Savall with La Capella Reial de Catalunya and Hespèrion XXI: Splendor of Iberian Baroque
February 1, 2020