“The artistic possibilities of clouds,” stated Henry Peach Robinson in his 1896 book, The Elements of a Pictorial Photograph, “are infinite.” The far-flung immensity of the sky has made it an object of fascination for artists and photographers alike. This exhibition begins with early photographers—names like Anne Brigman, Gustave Le Gray, Eadweard Muybridge—and makes its way to today, featuring skies through the centuries. As Robinson noted, “We have the sky always before us, therefore we do not recognize how beautiful it is.” —E.C.
The Arts Intel Report
Gathering Clouds: Photographs from the Nineteenth Century and Today

July 26, 2020 – Jan 3, 2021
John Chiara, “Old River Road: Stovall Road: Oakhurst Road,” 2018. © John Chiara.