For an unprecedented online edition of Frieze, 200 galleries are coming together to inaugurate a virtual viewing room. Augmented Reality technology will allow viewers to scroll through a curated program that includes video content, interviews, and elaborate search functions. Although it’s not the same as moving in person from booth to booth, this year’s edition still celebrates artists in various curated sections. “Spotlight,” curated by Laura Hoptman, features pioneering 20th-century artists (including Sari Dienes, M. Louise Stanley, Anna Oppermann, and more), while “Frame,” “Focus,” “Diálogos,” and “Chicago Tribute” offer solo-artist projects from emerging galleries, a Latin-American artist section, and works by the cutting-edge female artists of Chicago. —E.C.
The Arts Intel Report
Frieze Viewing Room

May 8–15, 2020
Jean Dubuffet, “Voie piétonnière,” 1981. Courtesy: Waddington Custot.
American Museum of Natural History