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The Arts Intel Report

François Morellet: Neons

François Morellet, “Badly Crossed out on Reflection n°5,” 2011.

Mar 24 – May 21, 2022
Limmatstrasse 270, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland

After encountering Concrete Art on a trip to Brazil in 1950, the painterly approach of French artist François Morellet shifted. He turned to abstraction. Further travel excited an interest in pattern and geometry—the anonymity of Islamic art was a key influence. Morellet, who died in 2016, is positioned at the crossroads of many movements: Conceptual art, Minimalism, the kinetic art of the Groupe de Recherche d’Art Visuel (GRAV), and the practice of ego-suppression, in which chance is used to make aesthetic decisions. Morellet’s range expanded to include architectural sculpture, light and neon, and wall drawings. This exhibition focuses on his works in neon, moving from the early 1960s to later experiments. —Elena Clavarino

© François Morellet/ADAGP, Paris. Courtesy François Morellet Estate.