Instead of dealing with tech tycoons and venture capitalists, Billionaire Island concerns salmon fishing, an occupation far removed from the minds of Musk and Bezos. This is a Norwegian show—its English title is translated from the word “Milliardærøya”—and it features Norwegian actors, Norwegian dialogue, and deeply Norwegian humor. Subtle, wry, and extremely funny, Billionaire’s Island follows two warring families who each seek to control the salmon-fishing market on a small coastal island. There’s Marlax, headquartered in a swanky office building, and Meyer Fjordbruk, a more humble operation. A major player on Meyer Fjordbruk’s board dies; Marlax smells blood in the water and tries to usurp its competitor’s power. Behind both organizations are families rife with their own infighting, lineage dramas that have been compared to Succession, albeit with a sardonic Scandinavian flavor. —Jack Sullivan
The Arts Intel Report
Billionaire Island
Vetle Røsten Granås and Axel Bøyum in Billionaire Island.