The Romani population has been hounded by stereotypes for centuries. They have been depicted as bedraggled—dwelling in caravans and scavenging for food. They’ve been misrepresented as greedy and lazy. The exhibition “Barvalo”—which in Romani means “rich” or “proud”—tells the story of Europe’s largest ethnic minority (population: over 10 million). Curated by members of the long-marginalized group, the show sheds light on the complicated history of the Roma population, which hails from the Indian subcontinent and migrated to Europe 1,500 years ago. —Elena Clavarino
The Arts Intel Report
Małgorzata Mirga-Tas, Out of Egypt, Pologne, 2021.
Aug 10 – Sept 4, 2023
1 Esp. J4, 13002 Marseille, France
Photo: © Marianne Kuhn/Mucem