Vince Skelly is a woodworker who invites the tree’s soul into his process. He makes wood stools, pieces of furniture you can sit on at a dinner party, surrounded by loved ones, or just admire from afar. At the FARAGO Gallery in Los Angeles, the artist is showing new work made from trees suddenly felled. The day was January 1, 2022, and a severe windstorm in Skelly’s hometown of Claremont, California, took down deodar cedar, pine, redwood, live oak, eucalyptus, and magnolia trees. Skelly tagged the ones he wanted and went to work. A commentary on climate change and an homage to the natural world, “After the Storm” is also a meditation. —Sophie Kemp
The Arts Intel Report
A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler
For the World Traveler
A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler
After the Storm
July 1–13, 2022
California African American Museum