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The Arts Intel Report

Worn by the Gods: The Art of Shoemaking in the Ancient World

June 4 – Sept 20, 2020
Piazza de' Pitti, 1, 50125 Firenze FI, Italy

The classical world remains an enduring presence in footwear design. The gladiator sandal, its laces climbing the calves of the Ancient Greek aristocracy, and the strappy caligae, worn by Roman soldiers on long treks—these designs have marched into modernity, reinterpreted over and over again along the way. This exhibition brings the different eras together, displaying relics dating back to the 5th century B.C. alongside contemporary footwear from movies and the couture. To top it all off— there’s a film by the visionary director Gianmarco D’Agostino. —E.C.

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