Arne Glimcher, the 84-year-old founder and chairman of Pace Gallery, has opened a new gallery in Tribeca: Gallery 125 Newbury, named after the Boston address where Glimcher first opened Pace.”I’m a curator at heart,” he said in a recent interview, explaining the new space. “I always wanted to be the director of MoMA. So this is my little modern art museum.” For the inaugural exhibition, Glimcher has assembled a group show of 17 artists whose work explores the tenuous line between threat and seduction. Among the artists on display are Paul Thek, Deana Lawson, David Hammons, and Alex Da Corte. —Jensen Davis
The Arts Intel Report
Wild Strawberries
Paul Thek, Untitled (Hand with Ring), 1967.
Sept 30 – Nov 15, 2022
Photo: Richard Gary/© The Estate of George Paul Thek/courtesy of Alexander and Bonin, New York
American Museum of Natural History