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The Arts Intel Report

What Time Is It?

An installation shot of What Time Is It?

July 13 – Sept 17, 2022
8 Bennet St, St. James's, London SW1A 1RP, United Kingdom

Three forces in a new generation of German abstract painters have come together to answer one of the most commonly asked questions: What time is it? Meet Peppi Bottrop, Andreas Breunig, and Jana Schröder. All three artists ponder their place in time, especially how they are updating their art form. Bottrop works in charcoal and graphite. Born in Ruhr, once Europe’s largest coal-mining region, he watched as mines closed over time, becoming the memories which he now refers to in his sooty compositions. Andreas Breunig dives into the idea of afterlives. He imagines the artistic landscape in a post-internet world. While his flurries of oil, charcoal, and acrylic drips may at first appear chaotic, they are actually carefully orchestrated. Jana Schröder’s layered shapes likewise bounce between spontaneity and structure. Created in a predetermined color range, each painting remains within the realms and rules Schröder establishes. —Clara Molot

Photo: A.C. Cooper