With the ending of Curb Your Enthusiasm—no doubt headed to the realm of reruns where its predecessor Seinfeld resides—fans of the satire so expertly honed by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld were left with no new shows. Fans, rejoice! Because less than a month after Curb Your Enthusiasm’s finale, Seinfeld is starring in a film that he also wrote and directed. Unfrosted, which also stars Melissa McCarthy, Hugh Grant, and Jim Gaffigan, dramatizes the 1963 battle between Kellogg and Post Cereal as each attempts to create that oh so delicious breakfast treat known as Pop-Tarts. The story of a toaster pastry may sound like a silly premise. But the competition between the two brands, both rushing to capitalize on a newfound method of dehydrating food and keeping it fresh (through foil packaging), has enough historical intrigue to carry Unfrosted’s plot beyond the frivolous. Who better to trust with this material than Seinfeld? —Jack Sullivan
The Arts Intel Report

Melissa McCarthy and Jerry Seinfeld in Unfrosted.