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The Arts Intel Report

Tsiatsia: Searching for Connection

Feb 15, 2019 – Feb 15, 2020
V&A Waterfront, Silo District, S Arm Rd, Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa

At Zeitz Mocaa, a “tapestry” structure by El Anatsui, the acclaimed sculptor from Ghana, hangs upon a wall that spans four floors of the museum space. This “cloth” is made out of bottle caps and various other packaging pieces of alcohol products. “I saw the bottle caps as relating to the history of Africa,” El Anatsui explains, “in the sense that when the earliest group of Europeans came to trade, they brought along rum originally from the West Indies.” Here he connects Western and African traditions on a massive scale. —E.C.

El Anatsui, “Tsiatsia.” Photo: Wianelle Briers.