As a way to safeguard Austrian and German art of the early–20th century, the businessman and art collector Ronald S. Lauder opened the Neue Galerie in 2001, at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 86th Street. Lauder’s mother was Estée Lauder, who hailed from Hungary, not far from where Egon Schiele painted his first Expressionist masterpieces. To celebrate the museum’s 20th anniversary, an eclectic exhibition presents various facets of Lauder’s collection: 13th- and 14th-century gold-ground paintings from Italy; Greek and Roman sculpture; and objects for a Kunstkammer (cabinet of curiosities). “I decided to show these new pieces with the same furniture from the rooms of my home,” Lauder explains. “I wanted to share with you the full experience that I have with my collection.” —Elena Clavarino
The Arts Intel Report
The Ronald S. Lauder Collection
A monumental head of a goddess, from the Hellenistic Greek period, circa second century B.C.
Nov 11, 2022 – Feb 13, 2023
Photo: Hulya Kolabas
American Museum of Natural History