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The Arts Intel Report

The Rest is Entertainment

Marina Hyde and Richard Osman, hosts of The Rest is Entertainment podcast.

One would be foolish to bet against the success of any podcast with a Gary Lineker lineage. His brand, Goalhanger Podcasts, currently owns three shows in the top-10 of Apple’s U.K. podcast charts. They include Lineker’s own The Rest is Football, as well as Dominic Sandbrook and Tom Holland’s acclaimed The Rest is History. This month, a new show has entered the fray. Hosted by Guardian columnist Marina Hyde and the television-presenter-turned-author Richard Osman, The Rest is Entertainment is structured like its predecessors. Though conversational and jovial, the show’s early episodes are grounded by the savvy of Hyde and Osman, whose expertise on current developments in pop culture, television, film, and celebrity adds depth to their repartee. As Lineker has evidently deduced, the balance of insight with light commentary is a winning formula. —Jack Sullivan

Photo: Courtesy of Goalhanger Podcasts