Few figures have had as profound an impact on Judaism as Maimonides, the 12th-century Sephardic scholar. A physician and a philosopher, a rabbi and an Aristotelean, Maimonides shaped Jewish practice and thought through his revolutionary codification of Jewish law, Mishneh Torah, the first complete organization and explication of Judaism’s 613 commandments. Yeshiva University Museum’s new exhibition explores his immeasurable influence on Jewish history through the most robust curation of Maimonides artifacts ever compiled. Highlights are sure to include a signed, original Mishneh Torah and an illuminated manuscript of Guide for the Perplexed, his philosophical magnum opus. —Lucy Horowitz
The Arts Intel Report
The Golden Path: Maimonides Across Eight Centuries

Maimonides, Guide for the Perplexed, c.1347–1348.
May 9 – Dec 31, 2023
Photo courtesy of the Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen
American Museum of Natural History