“I have been living in the U.S. for 25 years,” says the photographer Martin Schoeller, who has shot close-ups of Angelina Jolie, Barack Obama, Oprah, and Jay-Z. “And, as a German national raised in the shadow of the Nazi regime, remain appalled by state-sponsored murder.” In a powerful exhibition organized in conjunction with Witness to Innocence—a national organization composed of exonerated death row survivors—Schoeller tells 10 stories through a series of 10 digital portraits. All are laden with heartbreaking struggle: the arrests, convictions, and sentences; the fights for justice in the wake of crimes they did not commit. —E.C.
The Arts Intel Report
Martin Schoeller: Death Row Exonerees
Aug 28, 2020 – Jan 10, 2021
Martin Schoeller, “Death Row Exonerees,” 2020. Photo: Roman Dean.
American Museum of Natural History