“Euphoric recall” is a psychological term for a very human phenomenon: the tendency to remember only the positive aspects of a past experience, blotting out the negative. The term comes up often in the treatment of substance abuse, but here the artist Marisa Takal uses it as a portal to the pre-pandemic world. Takal’s colors are indeed euphoric—joltingly rich and vivid—and in her third show at Night Gallery, they address thought and memory in isolated ephipanies. “I like a challenge,” Takal has said, “a self-induced puzzle.” —L.J.
The Arts Intel Report
A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler
For the World Traveler
A Cultural Compass
For the World Traveler
Marisa Takal: Euphoric Recall
Mar 20 – May 1, 2021
Marisa Takal, “Understanding,” 2021. Photo courtesy of Night Gallery.
California African American Museum